The Environment - Part 1
By: Rev. Lynwood F. Mundy
Read Scripture: 1Timothy 6:3-10
Everywhere we look, listen, see or breathe, we find environmental disasters.
In politics, lawmakers cannot and will not address the causes of the environment because of lobby’s and their rich funders. Rich funders are corporate owners that love money. They overlook saving earth’s atmosphere, sanitary and non-contaminated water supplies, soil and killing of animals, trees and even human-beings; in poor countries where there is a dictator-ruler, the love of money for themselves, family members and corrupt cronies is number one in ruling over their subjects. Environmental issues are non-existent.
Looking more in-depth in to the various ways, man has caused environmental disasters and concerns:
• Earth’s Atmosphere
o The ozone layer that is the upper atmospheric (stratosphere) element that contains earth’s protection from the suns harmful radiation (ultraviolet).
• Trees
o Trees are being cut down to make way for timber, real estate ventures, casinos for gambling purposes, thus depleting the oxygen levels for man and animals to breathe and sustain life.
• Animals
o Animals are being killed even to the levels of distinction by the pollution of the earth’s atmosphere level, trees being destroyed and water pollution.
• Water
o The water is being polluted by chemical wastes,and human and animal wastes.
• Carcinogens
o Cancerous carcinogens that are in the earth’s soil, air and water is harming and killing human-beings for the love of money.
Until man will come to taking care of others by saving the environment, only more environmental disasters and depletions will exist.
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