Christians in Conflict
1 Corinthians 6
I. Introduction
A. First Corinthians is a very Practical Book
1. While not giving much space to doctrine, it deals with life
2. Meets the Christian in his day-to-day relationship with other believers
a. Morality … malice … money
b. Bickering … backbiting … spiritual babyhood
B. Conflicts that Call for Court Action
1. Believers going to court
2. Does this apply today? Yes!
C. Questions to Handle Christian Conflict
II. Body
A. A Question about the Consequence of Christian Conflicts (v. 1)
1. “Dare any of you … go to law before the unjust?”
2. Think of the testimony before others when Christians cannot get along
3. Think of the loss of blessing when Christians are in conflict
4. Think about the crippling of all soul-winning efforts when Christians use their energies in conflict
5. Think about the accountability of your effort and time
6. The word to David after his sin: “You have given cause to the enemies of God to rejoice” (2 Sam. 12:1–14)
B. Questions about the Competence of Christians to settle Differences (vv. 2–5)
1. “Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world?”
2. See Daniel 7:22 and Matthew 19:28
3. “And if the world shall be judged by you are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?”
4. “Know ye not that we shall judge angels” (presumably evil ones)
5. “How much more the things that pertain to this life?”
6. p 74 “If then, ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church?”
C. Questions that could Kill the Course of Conflict?
1. “Why do ye not rather take wrong?” (v. 7)
a. In so doing we diffuse a bad situation
b. Like Jesus (1 Peter 2:23, 24)
2. “Why do ye not rather allow yourselves to be defrauded?”
a. Defrauded: See 1 Corinthians 7:5
b. Let another have what is rightfully yours
3. The secret is Philippians 2:5–11
III. Conclusion
A. What are Your Areas of Conflict?
B. Take Wrong and Glorify God
Roger F. Campbell, Preach for a Year (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Kregel Publications, 1988-). 73-74.