A Mother's Day Prayer
Thank you mother's, whether deceased or living, for the nine (9) months, or other months in carrying us.
Some mother's worked one (1) to three (3) jobs while carrying us rather than abort us.
Some children were born with medical or physical abnormalities, but that mother said, "This is my child and I will take care of my child."
Mother endured our sickness', runny nose's, stomach aches, diarrhea's, childhood disease's--without cost, with tears she tries to hide--bumps, scrapes, bruises and cuts. They were just part of her true motherhood and love for her child.
I pray for that mother this Mother's Day to continue to bless and give her strength, and thanking her for all that she did for us.
Happy Mother's Day!
I pray even for that mother, yes mother, that aborted her child for reasons that only she knows, yet remembering in her conscience what she did and regretting it.
I pray for that mother on drugs that carried her child to term even though the child was born addicted to her drugs--thanks to medical advances that child can be withdrawn from her addictive drugs.
Happy Mother's Day!
I pray for that mother that gave her child for adoption and searches for him or her to bond or just see them--that's a mother's love for her child.
Happy Mother's Day!
I pray for that mother that is alcoholic; that mother that is a whore; that mother that is in a ditch; that mother that is is a mental hospital, and that mother that is imprison.
Happy Mother's Day!
Regardless of those mother's lives that she chose to live, she is still someone(s) mother and should be respected.
Happy Mother's Day!
In Christ Jesus' name is my Mother's Day prayer. - Rev. Lynwood F. Mundy