My Prayer for Today
As the Attach file is entitled: Book of Romans: Paid in Full; one can and could take the caption of a Roman soldier's tax statement and the tax collector holding the stamp embossed Pain in Full as a statement of our earthly soul salvation is paid with money and works. That is truly a misnomer of our soul being saved when it comes to spiritual salvation; Jesus paid the ultimate price with his blood and dying on a tree at Calvary when He said, "It is finish". Then on the third day He arose from the dead to prove that he lives. I pray that this most holy week will cause the sinners to think of Jesus' death and resurrection as his or her personal Lord and Savior to remove them after their genuine repentance of sins by faith in Jesus; accepting Him as their Lord and Savior, and immediately have the indwelling Spirit of God reside in them for eternity. I say to those that are unsaved, COME while you have the chance before death where you will spent eternity in Hades with Satan and his angels. COME. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. - Min. Lynwood F. Mundy