My Prayer for Today
Almighty Jehovah God, thank You for bringing a 32 year prophecy to vision to me. Hallelujah! Now I pray for all of the peoples of the world that they may be blessed by You whom are Christian's and the secular as well. I pray that those religions that worship as a guise to You, and those religions that worship idols, false human god's, religions that remove Jesus from the Bible for their bible's, and those religions that have a false prophet that proclaim their god sent their prophet for the peoples to be the one to serve, and their religion to dominate the world religions under one (their); no where can their god be found, but their prophet can be found. Jesus will come and judge all: He will separate the wheat from the chaff--those that are dead in the seas of the world, those that are dead in the earth, and lastly, those that are living on that dreadful day (read Revelations in its entirety). COME TO JESUS WHILE YOU STILL HAVE THE CHANCE. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. - Min. Lynwood F. Mundy