Purity of Life
Verse 1 begins with the Greek imperative “Become, therefore, imitators of God.” The “therefore” (RSV) links this command with what immediately precedes, that is, forgiveness of one another as God has forgiven us. The command to “imitate God” is unique in the New Testament.* It is justified by the fact that Christians are God’s dear children. As children, they must imitate their heavenly Father. The specific application of the command to imitate God is found in verse 2: it is love, as the rule of the Christian life, which enables the children to be like their Father.
The clause Since you are God’s dear children may be expressed as “since you are God’s children whom he very much loves”
Bratcher, Robert G., and Eugene Albert Nida. A Handbook on Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians. New York: United Bible Societies, 1993. Print. UBS Handbook Series.