Baruch Writes for Jeremiah
During those ten years of turmoil which intervened between the first and the second capture of Jerusalem, Jeremiah found himself in constant opposition to the leaders of his countrymen. Many of the priesthood, both at home and among the captives in Babylon, kept insisting that the exile of the latter would be brief. In a year or two they would return and resume the government. Jeremiah, denying this, declared positively and repeatedly that the exile was to last for seventy years. Was the Lord’s doom so small a thing that it should pass with a single change of seasons? Jeremiah wrote a letter to Babylon bidding the Jews there, “Build ye houses, and dwell in them; and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them.”
Moreover, that his prophesies might be remembered and not confused with those of the false prophets, who encouraged men with lies, Jeremiah summoned his disciple. Baruch, and dictated to Baruch all the words which had come to him from God. Thus when the false prophecies had proven themselves false and men would have despaired of God’s mercy, they should find Jeremiah’s words coming true, and should look to the Lord with a renewed and greater confidence.