Friday, January 31, 2020, | Memorial
Saint John Bosco, Priest
Years 1 & 2 | Roman Missal | Lectionary
From Friday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time
First Reading 2 Samuel 11:1–4a, 5–10a, 13–17
Response Psalm 51:3a
Psalm Psalm 51:3–7, 10–11
Gospel Acclamation Matthew 11:25
Gospel Mark 4:26–34
Or from the Proper of Saints
First Reading Philippians 4:4–9
Response Psalm 103:1
Psalm Psalm 103:1b–4, 8–9, 13–14, 17–18
Gospel Acclamation Matthew 23:11, 12b
Gospel Matthew 18:1–5
Catholic Daily Readings. Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2009. Print.
Friday, January 31, 2020 | Epiphany Season
Friday of the Third Week of Epiphany
Morning Prayer
On the same date: Friday of the Third Week of Epiphany, Evening Prayer
Psalm Psalm 51
First Reading Proverbs 15:16–23, 27–29
Second Reading Philippians 3:17–4:3
Episcopal Church. Book of Common Prayer (1928) Daily Office Lectionary. Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2016. Print.
Friday, January 31, 2020, | Epiphany
Friday before the Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
Year A
Psalm Psalm 15
First Reading Deuteronomy 24:17–25:4
Second Reading 1 Timothy 5:17–24
Consultation on Common Texts. Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings. Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2011. Print.