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Day 3 - Tuesday - Daily Devotions | Morning and Evening: Daily Readings

 Morning, July 30 Go To Evening Reading

“And when he thought thereon, he wept.”

—Mark 14:72

Some have thought that as long as Peter lived, the fountain of his tears began to flow whenever he remembered his denying his Lord. It is not unlikely that it was so, for his sin was very significant, and grace in him had afterward a perfect work. This same experience is common to all the redeemed families according to the degree to which the Spirit of God has removed the natural heart of stone. We, like Peter, remember our boastful promise: “Though all men shall forsake thee, yet will not I.” We eat our own words with the bitter herbs of repentance. When we think of what we vowed to be and what we have been, we may weep whole showers of grief. He thought about his denying his Lord. The place where he did it, the little cause that led him into such heinous sin, the oaths and blasphemies with which he sought to confirm his falsehood, and the dreadful hardness of heart drove him to do so again and again. When we are reminded of our sins and their exceeding sinfulness, can we remain stolid and stubborn? Will we not make our house a Bochim and cry unto the Lord for renewed assurances of pardoning love? May we never take a dry-eyed look at sin, lest ere long we have a tongue parched in the flames of hell. Peter also thought upon his Master’s look of love. The Lord followed up the cock’s warning voice with an admonitory look of sorrow, pity, and love. That glance was never out of Peter’s mind so long as he lived. It was far more effectual than ten thousand sermons without the Spirit. The penitent apostle would be sure to weep when he recollected the Saviour’s complete forgiveness, which restored him to his former place. To think that we have offended so kind and good a Lord is a sufficient reason for being constant weepers. Lord, smite our rocky hearts and make the waters flow.

Go To Morning Reading Evening, July 30

“Him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out.”

—John 6:37

No limit is set to the duration of this promise. It does not merely say, “I will not cast out a sinner at his first coming,” but, “I will in no wise cast out.” The original reads, “I will not, not cast out,” or “I will never, never cast out.” The text means that Christ will not initially reject a believer and that as he will not do it at first, he will not do it to the last.

But suppose the believer sins after coming? “If any man sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, who is righteous.” But suppose that believers backslide? “I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely: for mine, anger is turned away from him.” But believers may fall under temptation! “God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” But the believer may fall into sin as David did! Yes, but he will “Purge them with hyssop, and they shall be clean; he will wash them, and they shall be whiter than snow”; “From all their iniquities will I cleanse them.”

“Once in Christ, in Christ forever,

Nothing from his love can sever.”

“I give unto my sheep,” saith he, “eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” What sayest thou to this, O trembling feeble mind? Is not this a precious mercy, that coming to Christ, thou dost not come to One who will treat thee well for a little while, and then send thee about thy business, but he will receive thee and make thee his bride, and thou shalt be his forever? Receive no longer the spirit of bondage again to fear, but the spirit of adoption whereby thou shalt cry, Abba, Father! Oh! The grace of these words: “I will in no wise cast out.”

 C. H. Spurgeon, Morning and Evening: Daily Readings (London: Passmore & Alabaster, 1896).


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