Consecrate yourself before going to you respective church or synagogue with all of your heart, mind and soul.
Almighty Father, bless those churches that teach and preach Your Word as it is written with power from You.
May those that hear Your Word become doers of Your Word,
And evangelize too bring those that do not know You through Your Son Christ Jesus in the pardoning of their sins,
Come to Jesus through faith, and have eternal live eternally.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
- Rev. Lynwood F. Mundy
Statement of Confession: I believe in the Trinity--Father, Son and Holy Spirit; The Three are One in the Father. I believe that Jesus is the Savior to those that accept Him in genuine repentance of their sins through faith as their Lord and Savior. I believe that baptism--immersion, burial--is an outward show to the world of their acceptance of salvation by Jesus for His dying, resurrection and His sitting at the right hand of the Father in heaven. This ministry is FREE.