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A More Circumstanial Denunciation

A More Circumstanial 

‎After these terrifying illustrations of God’s judgment, the writer returns to direct attack, specifying three forms of wickedness of which the false teachers are guilty. His fondness for groups of threes (cf. 5–7; 11) is interesting. The section is closely linked with what precedes not only by Not withstanding (mentoi: to bring out the force of this one might paraphrase, ‘in spite of the dreadful fate of the three groups just mentioned’), but even more by too and in similar fashion. In the Greek this latter adverb (homoiƍs) stands first in the sentence, and must therefore be taken as assimilating the behaviour about to be criticized to that of the Sodomites.

Kelly, J. N. D. The Epistles of Peter and of Jude. London: Continuum, 1969. Print. Black’s New Testament Commentary.


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