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The Tongue as a Revealer of Maturity or Immaturity

The Tongue as a Revealer of Maturity or Immaturity

Since the teacher’s work is performed primarily through the use of his tongue, control of this instrument is of utmost importance. The greater the privilege in terms of knowledge and education, the greater the accountability for the use of that information (Luke 12:48).
The tongue is a symbol for the overall discipline and maturity of the whole person (3:2). The images of bridle, rudder, fire, untamed animal, poison, fountain, and fig tree all illustrate the cause and effect relationship between maturity and words. James has clearly shown the relationship between inner lust and outward expression (1:14–15). The images applied to the tongue illustrate the outward effects of inner lusts (cf4:2–4). The questions of 3:11–12 uncover the real issue: external behavior in sharp contrast with claims to purity and righteousness before God. More
Hughes, Robert B., and J. Carl Laney. Tyndale Concise Bible Commentary. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2001. Print. The Tyndale Reference Library.


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