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Thursday, Insight - ODB


Today’s passage explains that Jesus told His disciples this parable to teach them to “always pray and not give up” (v. 1). But there are two points to this parable. Certainly, the primary point is to pray persistently. Just as the widow badgered the unjust judge into answering her plea, we’re to constantly and consistently bring our prayers before God. But there’s something else about the widow’s request that should be noticed, for Jesus mentions it too. Her request was for justice. This wasn’t a personal gripe or an attempt to gain an advantage. She had been wronged in some particular way and so continually asked the judge—an unjust judge—to grant her justice. Jesus says the Father (who is just) will also “bring about justice for his chosen ones(v. 7). God the Father hears and responds to our persistent prayers for justice
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