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Showing posts from February, 2025

Day 6 - Friday | Daily Devotions | Morning and Evening: Daily Reading | Connect the Testaments | My Utmost of His Highest | Thought for the Quiet Hour |

  Morning, February 28 Go To Evening Reading “My expectation is from him.” —Psalm 62:5 It is the believer’s privilege to use this language. If he is looking for aught from the world, it is a poor “expectation” indeed. But if he looks to God for the supply of his wants, whether in temporal or spiritual blessings, his “expectation” will not be vain. He may draw from the bank of faith and get his need supplied out of the riches of God’s lovingkindness. I know this; I would rather have God for my banker than all the Rothschilds. My Lord never fails to honour his promises; when we bring them to his throne, he never sends them back unanswered. Therefore, I will wait only at his door, for he ever opens it with the hand of munificent grace. At this hour, I will try him anew. But we have “expectations” beyond this life. We shall die soon, and then our “expectation is from him.” Do we not expect that he will send angels to carry us to his bosom when we lie upon the bed of sickness? We...

Day 5 - Thursday | Daily Devotions | Morning and Evening: Daily Reading | Connect the Testaments | My Utmost of His Highest | Thought for the Quiet Hour |

  Morning, February 27 Go To Evening Reading “Thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation.” —Psalm 91:9 The Israelites in the wilderness were continually exposed to change . Whenever the pillar stayed its motion, the tents were pitched. Still, tomorrow, ere the morning sun had risen, the trumpet sounded, the ark was in motion, and the fiery, cloudy pillar was leading the way through the narrow defiles of the mountain, up the hillside, or along the arid waste of the wilderness. They had little time to rest before they heard, “Away! This is not your rest; you must still be onward journeying towards Canaan!” They were never long in one place. Even wells and palm trees could not detain them. Yet they had an abiding home in their God; his cloudy pillar was their roof-tree, and its flame by night their household fire. They must go from place to place, continually changing, neversettle, and having time to  say, “Now we are secure; in this pl...

Day 4 - Wednesday | Daily Devotions | Morning and Evening: Daily Reading | Connect the Testaments | My Utmost for His Highest | Thoughts for the Quiet Hour |

  Morning, February 26 Go To Evening Reading “Salvation is of the Lord.” —Jonah 2:9 Salvation is the work of God. It is he alone who quickens the soul “dead in trespasses and sins,” and it is he also who maintains the soul in its spiritual life. He is both “Alpha and Omega.” “Salvation is of the Lord.” If I am prayerful, God makes me prayerful; if I have graces, they are God’s gifts to me; if I hold on in a consistent life, it is because he upholds me with his hand. I do nothing whatever towards my own preservation, except what God himself first does in me. Whatever I have, all my goodness is of the Lord alone. Wherein I sin, that is my own; but wherein I act rightly, that is of God, wholly and completely. If I have repulsed a spiritual enemy, the Lord’s strength nerved my arm. Do I live before men a consecrated life? It is not I, but Christ who liveth in me. Am I sanctified? I did not cleanse myself: God’s Holy Spirit sanctifies me. Am I weaned from the world? I am weaned b...

Day 3 - Tuesday | Daily Devotions | Morning and Evening: Daily Reading | Connect the Testaments | My Utmost for His Highest | Thoughts for the Quiet Hour |

  Morning, February 25 Go To Evening Reading “The wrath to come.” —Matthew 3:7 It is pleasant to pass over a country after a storm has spent itself, to smell the freshness of the herbs after the rain has passed away, and to note the drops while they glisten like purest diamonds in the sunlight. That is the position of a Christian. He is going through a land where the storm has spent itself upon his Saviour’s head, and if a few drops of sorrow fall, they distil from clouds of mercy, and Jesus cheers him by the assurance that they are not for his destruction. But how terrible is it to witness the approach of a tempest: to note the forewarnings of the storm; to mark the birds of heaven as they droop their wings; to see the cattle as they lay their heads low in terror; to discern the face of the sky as it groweth black, and look to the sun which shineth not, and the heavens which are angry and frowning! How terrible to await the dread advance of a hurricane—such as occurs, somet...