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Hurricane Irene, Preparedness

Hurricane Irene, Preparedness At the time of this writing there is a tremendous hurricane showing its fury of winds exceeding 130-150 mph, torrential rains causing severe damages to property upon the Caribbean nations in its path—the lost of one life at this time. Hurricane Irene is shown to be larger than the State of Arizona of the United States of America. With the governments of the Caribbean nations and the United States of America—Federal, State and Local—are urging people to be prepared stocking—water, food, batteries, medical records as well as marriage records, care of family pets and anything that would be considered important. No one however is telling the people to be prepared if the hurricane Irene takes ones life; no one is telling the people to get their soul right with God in case He calls their soul home—in death—because it would be His will and not hurricane Irene which is His showing of His Almighty Omnipotence powers.; for YHWH is God and there is no other god greater or everlasting but Him. He is the I AM THAT I AM of the Hebrew meaning: Jehovah (je-ho’-vah) = He will be; i.e., the Eternal who always is; the Eternal One; (root = to be; to breathe); the I AM THAT I AM; (He) was, is, will be, the LORD God. He is, He was. (There are but two tenses in Hebrew, the past and the future, with the latter denoting what is continued even in the present.)[1] Be Prepared “Be ready,” said the Savior to his disciples, “for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect” (Matthew 24:44). How does one get and stay ready? By keeping short accounts with God and men; by taking life a day at a time, as Jesus told us to do (Matthew 6:34); and by heeding the advice of Bishop Ken’s hymn, “Live each day as if thy last.” Budget and plan for an ordinary span of years, but in spirit be packed up and ready to leave at any time. This should be part of our daily devotional discipline. When the Lord comes, he should find his people praying for revival and planning world evangelism—but packed up and ready to leave nonetheless. If Boy Scouts can learn to live realistically in terms of the motto “Be prepared” for any ordinary thing that might happen, why are Christians so slow to learn the same lesson in relation to the momentous event of Christ’s return? Further Bible Study The Christian’s attitude toward Christ’s return: • Luke 12:35–48 • 1 Thessalonians 4:13–5:11 • 2 Peter 3[2] I urge all that are not prepared for eternal death to think of where they would like to spend eternity after this physical life. There are only two choices: Heaven to be with the Lord in eternal blissfulness, or Heb. Hades (Heb. Hell, Sheol, and Gr. Gehenna). The latter is described as a fire that is unquenchable and so hot that there is weeping and gnashing of teeth (Read. Matthew 8:12; Matthew 13:42 and Matthew 13:50. Surely you can be prepared for hurricane Irene providing if it be the Lord’s will to see it, because we do not know if any one of us will live past today to see hurricane Irene. Prayer: Lord I pray that those whom are secular (not saved, earthly, fleshly) harden not their heart to come and accept Your Son Jesus through faith, repentance (remission of sins) and acceptance of Jesus as their Lord and Savior; immediately Your Holy Spirit will come and indwell in their soul. All of their sins will be fore forgiven and never no more be remembered. You now have a Propitiator Jesus that will repeat your prayer request as you yet pray and return it immediately from the Father God giving you the answer through the indwelling Holy Spirit which you received when you became a child of God. Lord, I want them to know that they cannot fool nor deceive You by attempting too come haphazardly knowing that they still want to serve Satan. By Your Word they can not serve God and mammon. (Read. Matthew 6:24). Come to Christ Jesus while you have the chance. No one can save you but Jesus. In Jesus’ precious name I pray. Amen. After you pray and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, go as soon as possible to a Bible believing, teaching and preaching church and join it; giving your hand to the pastor and be baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. - Rev. Lynwood F. Mundy © MMXI Daily, Weekend and Holiday Internet to the World Ministry [1] Stelman Smith and Judson Cornwall, The Exhaustive Dictionary of Bible Names (North Brunswick, NJ: Bridge-Logos, 1998). 126. [2] J. I. Packer, Growing in Christ (Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 1996). 69.


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