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Fresh Start Devotionals

Cooking I never thought of myself as a good cook. Oh, I can heat up a TV Dinner with the best of them, and I can flip a burger on the grill, but I’m not much of a cook. One of my problems is I can’t follow a recipe. When Susan cooks, she carefully measures out a cup of this and a teaspoon of that; cooking to her is an exact science. Not me. I mean what difference does it really make if I use a tablespoon instead of a teaspoon? And if a cup of walnuts is good, wouldn’t a cup and a half be better? The recipe thing is the least of my problems. When I go through the cabinets to find an ingredient, I’ll spot the jar of ground up green chile and think, “Hey, that would go good with this dish, wouldn’t it?” That one discovery begins a domino effect in my mind. “I wonder if Vanilla Extract would work with the pot roast? Hmm, what’s Cumin? How would it taste? Cinnamon? Cinnamon goes with everything, right? Don’t we still have some watermelon in the fridge?” You see my point, don’t you? I’m looking for a chapter of Ingredients Anonymous, because I know I’ve got to stop myself, but I can’t. You’d think that after several spoiled meals I’d learn, but I haven’t. Some things just don’t go with other things. And that’s OK. We can’t sit around a campfire, hold hands and sing Kum Ba Ya with every religion in the world. Our goal is not to get all world religions to agree with one another, it is to follow our beliefs and proclaim our Savior to the world. If that doesn’t jell with political correctness, so be it, some things just can’t be combined. You know, like cinnamon covered watermelon with just a dash of green chile powder. Even I have to admit, that was a mistake. Jim L. Wilson, Fresh Start Devotionals (Fresno, CA: Willow City Press, 2009).


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