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Fresh Start Devotionals

Deeds The bombing of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 is bringing the best out of most people, and the worst out of others. The rescue workers, some of whom paid the ultimate sacrifice, inspire me. Democrats and Republicans are getting along with one another, setting aside their partisan bickering to do the Nation’s work. I’ve followed politics for years, and I’ve never seen anything like it. The other day I heard a lawyer on one of the morning talk shows talk about how his firm is working pro bono to file the forms to help the victims’ families get their death certificates. I was amazed at his generosity. Not only are they not charging for their services, but they’ve set aside their paying clients to work for free. All I can say is, may God bless these generous people, and God bless America! But the tragedy is also bringing the worst out of other people. Bogus charities are surfacing trying to scam people out of their money. They are making door-to-door appeals, sending spam email messages, and calling people over the phone asking donors to give to the relief effort. They promise that the money will help the widows and orphans of the tragedy, but they don’t deliver on their promises. They line their own pockets with the money. Not only does the money not go where they say, but they are keeping legitimate charities from getting the money they need to operate. Shame on these con artists who gave their word, but didn’t back it up with action. The victims of the bombing, need action, not empty words. Jim L. Wilson, Fresh Start Devotionals (Fresno, CA: Willow City Press, 2009).


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