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Fresh Start Devotionals

Determination “And not only that, but God himself is right alongside to keep you steady and on track until things are all wrapped up by Jesus.” 1 Cor. 1:8 (MsgB) “The Apprentice” is required viewing for some business school students across the country as their professors are using the show as a starting point for discussion on successful business practices. Certainly Donald Trump knows something about success. He also knows something about failure. In the early ’90‘s Trump was $900 million in the hole. Today his accumulated wealth is in the 2.5 to $5 billion range. The Donald has “Seven Rules of Success.” The third one might be the most important, it is, “You cannot stop if there is a concrete wall in front of you, you have to go through it. You can never, ever give up or even think in terms of giving up. “A rule Trump obviously lives by. He didn’t give up, even when his situation looked hopeless. He continued to pursue his dream of accumulating wealth. If Trump can be persistent in such an unimportant goal like accumulating wealth, shouldn’t we be even more persistent in the goals we have that spring out of our Christian faith? Goals like purity, performing good works, and spreading the good news. If we are not careful, our good intentions will melt away into discouragement and leave us with nothing to show for our beliefs than regret. But if we believe the right things and remain consistent to those beliefs through hardships and trials then we can be a part of changing the world. Jim L. Wilson, Fresh Start Devotionals (Fresno, CA: Willow City Press, 2009).


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