My Prayer for Today
Almighty Jehovah, I come praising You for keeping us from all hurt, harm and dangers this past weekend. Thank You also for jamming the gun of the terrorist that he may live. Hopefully, he will ask for genuine repentance through faith in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, knowing that his sins will be washed by the blood of Jesus and no more remembered as ALL our sins after conversion to Christianity. Hallelujah! If we say that we are Christians, we should love our enemies and brother's, and then only can we can say that, "we love Jehovah". As I do each day, I ask for secular's to COME TO JESUS JUST AS THEY ARE. I do this again regardless of what some will think negatively of be; I am charged to preach the truth regardless of what they may think of me. I'm responsible only to Jehovah and not man. In Jesus' precious name is my prayer of supplication. Amen. - Min. Lynwood F. Mundy