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The NIV Standard Lesson Commentary, 2012–2013

July 28
Lesson 9


I said to them, “You as well as these articles are consecrated to the LORD. The silver and gold are a freewill offering to the LORD, the God of your ancestors."Ezra 8:28


After participating in this lesson, each student will be able to:
1. Describe the procedures for financial accountability that Ezra and his companions used at the beginning and end of their journey to Jerusalem.
2. Give examples of how churches can take precautions to protect the persons who participate in various programs of the church, especially those who handle money.
3. Support and pray for missions that show evidence of careful stewardship in the handling of the gifts that are administered by them.


      A.      Tons to Transport
      B.      Lesson Background
          I.      Consigning Offerings (EZRA 8:24–27)
      A.      Selecting Trustworthy Men (v. 24)
      Acting in Faith and Wisdom
      B.      Weighing Precious Metals (vv. 25–27)
          II.      Communicating Holiness (EZRA 8:28–30)
      A.      Reminder Given (v. 28)
      B.      Responsibility Accepted (vv. 29, 30)
          III.      Completing the Mission (EZRA 8:31–35)
      A.      Reviewing the Journey (v. 31)
      An Example to Remember
      B.      Resting in Jerusalem (v. 32)
      C.      Delivering the Treasure (vv. 33, 34)
      D.      Demonstrating Dedication (v. 35)
      A.      Always Praying
      B.      Prayer
      C.      Thought to Remember

Ronald L. Nickelson and Jonathan Underwood, eds., The NIV Standard Lesson Commentary, 2012–2013, vol. 19 (Cincinnati, OH: Standard, 2012) 


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