Magi in the Ancient World
Extrabiblical evidence offers various clues that shed light on the place of origin and positions held by the magi of Matthew 2. The historian Herodotus mentioned magi as a priestly caste of Media, or Persia, and, as the religion in Persia at the time was Zoroastrinism, Herodotus’s magi were probably Zoroastrian priests. Herodotus, together with Plutarch and Strabo, suggested that magi were partly responsible for ritual and cultic life (supervising sacrifices and prayers) and partly responsible as royal advisers to the courts of the East. Believing the affairs of history were reflected in the movements of the stars and other phenomena, Herodotus said, the rulers of the East commonly utilized the magi’s knowledge of astrology and dream interpretation to determine affairs of state. The magi were, therefore, concerned with what the movement of the stars (as signs and portents) might signify for the future affairs of history. Such an interest could account not only for the magi’s interest in the star in Matthew, but also their conclusion, shared with Herod, that the star’s appearance signified the birth of a new ruler of great importance (2:2). Several centuries before Christ, a similar correlation was noted between a stellar phenomenon and the birth of Alexander the Great. More
Elwell, Walter A., and Philip Wesley Comfort. Tyndale Bible dictionary 2001 : 843. Print. Tyndale Reference Library