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Widow Mourns by Her Husband’s Mummy

Widow Mourns by Her Husband’s Mummy

‎Resurrection as a concept was integral to Egyptian religion. Egyptians believed that the goddess Isis helped her divine husband Osiris to rise from death. The belief system provided no certainty that a given human would rise again, however. First the god Thoth had to weigh the deceased’s soul. No one could know in advance what Thoth would decide. The woman in this picture, weeping before her nobleman husband’s coffin, does not know if she will ever see her husband again.

Gen 50:2–14, Isa 53:3, John 11:35, 1 Thess 4:13, Titus 1:2,
‎Image by the Yorck Project, from Wikimedia Commons. License: Public Domain


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