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Too Loose, Too Tight and the Overrated “Just Right”: A Guest Post from Author Hettie Brittz

Too Loose, Too Tight and the Overrated “Just Right”: A Guest Post from Author Hettie Brittz

Parenting isn’t easy. And mothers, especially, can be hard on themselves when it comes to balancing parenting styles that allow their children independence with healthy boundaries and supervision. In (un)Natural Mom: Why You Are the Perfect Mom for Your Kids, author Hettie Brittz writes on the myth of the “Natural Mom,” discussing how every mom is the right mom for her children, and how God has given each mom the skills she needs for her children’s needs. Enjoy this guest post from author Hettie Brittz, in which she tells us a story where she experienced this tension between “too loose” and “too tight” parenting.
Hettie Brittz is a wife, mother, and speaker from South Africa. Author of Growing Kids with CharacterGrowing Kids Through Healthy Authority, and Cultivating Compassionate Discipline,(un)Natural Mom is her first book to be released in the United States. Between homeschooling her three kids and joining her husband on his ministry outreaches, Brittz tours internationally, speaking to audiences around the globe, as well as appearing in weekly parenting spots on South African television. Get her ebook, (un)Natural Mom: Why You Are the Perfect Mom for Your Kids, on Vyrso today!


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