In My Name
In the biblical period, one’s name represented the person; it was a summary statement of someone’s character or reputation (John 14:14). The name of Jesus pointed to his attributes, his person, and all that he had accomplished. It was no mere magical formula, but a confession of dependence, trust, and confidence in the person and work of Jesus the Messiah. Again the obedient saint would be the one who experiences God in this earthly life (John 14:21). Jesus’ answer to Judas’ questions (John 14:22–24) brings the discussion around full-circle back to John 13:34 (cf. John 14:23). More
Hughes, Robert B., and J. Carl Laney. Tyndale Concise Bible Commentary. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2001. Print. The Tyndale Reference Library.