Christ: The Fulfillment of Prophecy
Of all the attacks that have ever been made upon the Scripture, there has never been one book written by a skeptic to disprove the prophecies of the Scripture. Though the Bible has been attacked at every other place, the one place where God rests His inspiration is that the things He foretells come infallibly to pass.
The Bible prophecies are altogether unexpected! I know of no one ever prophesying that any other human being would rise from the dead and ascend into heaven. That is exceedingly improbable. The chance of it happening by coincidence is incalculable. No, the Bible is not merely a book written by men; it is a book written by God through men, and the heart of its prophetic message is Jesus Christ. … More
Kennedy, D. James. “Christ: The Fulfillment of Prophecy.” The Apologetics Study Bible: Real Questions, Straight Answers, Stronger Faith. Ed. Ted Cabal et al. Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2007. xxix. Print.