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Thursday - Fresh Start Devotions - Logos


After Nehemiah and his workers completed the rebuilding of the wall in Jerusalem, Ezra stood on a high wooden platform to read from the sacred scrolls to the people. Early in the morning on October 8, 445 BC he opened the scrolls and began to read. When he did the audience rose to their feet. Ezra continued to read until noon, and the people paid close attention to what he read.

When he finished reading, Ezra began to praise the Lord, and when he did, the people said, “Amen! Amen!,” as they lifted their hands toward heaven. Later, they fell on their faces before the Lord and worshiped him.

The Levites took over. They read from the law and explained its meaning to the people. They encouraged the people not to weep, but to celebrate the goodness of the Lord.

A few weeks later, the people gathered again. This time they came ready to confess their sins before God. After another protracted reading from the law, the people began confessing their sins and worshiping the Lord and agreed to return to the Lord and obey his commandments.

Revival came. After a time of darkness, the people listened to and applied the teaching of scripture, and revival poured down from heaven.

2 Chron. 7:14 NASB “and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

 Wilson, Jim L. Fresh Start Devotionals. Fresno, CA: Willow City Press, 2009. Print.


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