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Day 5 - Thursday - Connect the Testaments: A 365-Day Devotional with Bible Reading Plan - Logos

 January 27: Revenge Isn’t Sweet

Genesis 42:29–43:34, Hebrews 5:11–7:28, Ecclesiastes 10:10–20

The colloquialisms around the subject alone demonstrate our infatuation with justice. It’s easy to revel in vigilante justice, be joyful in the irony of someone getting “what’s coming to them,” or feel satisfied when “bad Karma comes back around” to others. Joseph is similarly impassioned; he schemes against his brothers who sold him into slavery. At the beginning of Gen 43, Joseph’s brothers must go back to Egypt to request food from him—their younger brother, whom they do not recognize. Joseph waits for the youngest, Benjamin, to join them. What Joseph intends to do when he does, we’re not told.

When Benjamin and the other brothers arrive, Joseph is either moved with empathy or chooses to act upon his original plan of revealing himself in front of all his brothers (Gen 43:16, 29). Joseph even helps them financially, signaling that he somehow still cares for them (Gen 44). Yet it doesn’t seem that Joseph has forgiven them yet because, in Genesis 44, more evil schemes emerge.

The thought of others feeling the same pain they have inflicted can cause us to feel remorse. But we’re always aware of the choice; we can choose to fight our instincts. Instead of lashing back, we can recognize that the best answer is turning the other cheek. This may be easy for some, but for others—especially those who have been deeply hurt—abandoning the urge to inflict injury will require spiritual strength, prayer, and self-control.

Whom do you currently desire to see hurt? How can you let that feeling go? How can God help you release the situation to Him?

John D. Barry

 Barry, John D., and Rebecca Kruyswijk. Connect the Testaments: A One-Year Daily Devotional with Bible Reading Plan. Print. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012.


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