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Showing posts from September, 2024

Day 3 - Tuesday | Daily Devotions | Morning and Evening: Daily Reading | Connect the Testaments | My Utmost for His Highest | Thoughts for the Quiet Hour |

  Morning, September 17 : Go To Evening Reading ""ring him unto me."" —Mark 9:19 Despairingly, the poor, disappointed father turned away from the disciples to their Master. His son was in the worst possible condition, and all means had failed, but the miserable child was soon delivered from the evil one when the parent in faith obeyed the Lord JJesus'word, ""ring him unto me."" Children are a precious gift from God, but much anxiety comes with them. They may be a great joy or bitterness to their parents; they may be filled with the Spirit of God or possessed with the spirit of evil. In all cases, the Word of God gives us one receipt for curing all their ills: ""ring him unto me."" O for more agonizing prayer on their behalf while they are yet babes! Sin is there; let our prayers begin to attack it. Our cries for our offspring should precede those cries which betoken their actual advent into a world of sin. In the days

Day 2 - Monday | Daily Devotions | Morning and Evening: Daily Reading | Connect the Testaments | MY Utmost for His Highest | Thoughts for the Quiet Hour |

  Morning, September 16 : Go To Evening Reading “Partakers of the divine nature.” —2 Peter 1:4 To be a partaker of the divine nature is not, of course, to become God. That cannot be. The essence of Deity is not to be participated in by the creature. Between the creature and the Creator, a gulf must ever be fixed in essence. Still, as the first man, Adam, was made in the image of God, we, by the renewal of the Holy Spirit, are, in a diviner sense, made in the image of the Most High and are partakers of the divine nature. We are, by grace, made like God. “God is love”; we become love—“He that loveth is born of God.” God is truth; we become authentic and love what is true. God is good, and he makes us suitable by his grace so that we become the pure in heart who shall see God. Moreover, we become partakers of the divine nature in even a higher sense than this—in fact, in as lofty a sense as can be conceived, short of our being absolutely divine. Do we not become members of the body o

Day 1 - Lord's Day (Sunday) | Daily Devotions | The Church, Personal, and Office Lectionaries |

  Sunday, September 15, 2024 | Pentecost Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost Old Testament 1 Kings 17:17–24 Psalm Psalm 126 New Testament Ephesians 3:13–21 Gospel Luke 7:11–17   Christian Worship One Year Lectionary (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2009). Sunday, September 15, 2024 | After Pentecost Proper 19 Year B First Reading & Psalm, Option I First Reading Proverbs 1:20–33 Psalm Psalm 19 or Wisdom of Solomon 7:26–8:1 or First Reading & Psalm, Option II First Reading Isaiah 50:4–9a Psalm Psalm 116:1–8 Second Reading James 3:1–12 Gospel Mark 8:27–38   Episcopal Church (USA) Revised Common Lectionary (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2016). Sunday, September 15, 2024 | After Pentecost Proper 19 Year B proverb Proverbs 1:20–33 Psalm Psalm 19 (UMH 750) New Testament James 3:1–12 Gospel Mark 8:27–38  Vanderbilt Divinity Library, United Methodist Revised Common Lectionary (Bellingh