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My Prayer For Today

Yahweh, we are living in troubling times: Sins are being showed daily in our lives: Right is wrong and wrong is right; wars and rumors of wars everywhere; government Representative's are being govern by outside money factions rather than their constituency's that voted them in to office. Rather, showing that the rich governs--there is a Judgement Day where all will be judged for the good as well as the bad. Here on Judgement Day, the first shall be last, and the last shall be first e.g.. Until Elohim is placed back into our daily lives, schools, government and churches, yes churches, things will only get worse. I pray that we turn back to Yahweh, things will ONLY get worse. RETURN is my prayer for all that do not know the Lord. In Jesus' name is my prayer. Amen. - Min. Lynwood F. Mundy


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